About Dr. Eileen Shoals

Dr. Eileen Shoals of Empath Heart Healing is an Intuitive Spiritual Therapist and Licensed Marriage and Family Therapist (L.M.F.T. ) working in mental health and wellness.

Hello! I’m Eileen, an intuitive empath and wayshower.


Here’s a little more about me and my mission.

My role is to help all those who identify as being an Empath or energy sensitive person move through energy blocks that cause anxiety, overwhelm and confusion. I provide tips and tools that help the Empath make sense of all that they are feeling and manage the emotional intensity. Managing emotional intensity is an Empath’s greatest asset. Emotional management, while learning to understand who you are on this planet will help you navigate your gifts and abilities in authentic ways.

I’m a Licensed Marriage and Family Therapist (L.M.F.T. ) in the State of California with a doctorate in Clinical Psychology. With more than 20 years of service in the mental and emotional health fields, my primary clinical techniques stem from training in Cognitive Behavioral Therapy, Solution Focused Therapy and elements of Dialectical Behavioral Therapy. Techniques and strategies from these modalities assist with bringing balance to the right and left brain hemispheres to create healthy emotional regulation skills. With an understanding of clinical neuroplasticity, I assist with cognitive repair and thought reprogramming, bringing congruence between thoughts of the brain and underlying subconscious beliefs.  

I’m also an Intuitive Spiritual Therapist who works with individuals recovering from addiction, trauma and the stigma associated with psychiatric labels.  My extensive training in alternative treatment approaches includes connecting with the spirit of an individual to achieve balance and ultimate healing. This is achieved through intuitive individual therapy, empowerment groups, breathing meditations, thought field therapy, activation of healing codes, and emotional healing techniques inspired by Instinct Based Medicine (IBMS). Combining these holistic approaches with traditional theoretical orientations has proven to be a successful combination in healing traumatic, addictive, psychiatric and/or emotional disorders.

Who and What is A Spiritually Focused Therapist?

Who Are We?

A spiritually-focused therapist is a clinician or practitioner who is committed to a spiritual path and has consciously chosen to be a conduit of healing within the mental health field. As empaths, we are modern day healers with heightened awareness and sensitivity to the problems that plague the world mentally, emotionally and energetically. We are clinicians and practitioners who choose to use our education, training and experience to help our clients and patients in a divine way. We are dedicated to integrating clinical and spiritual approaches to healing, as we know this will stimulate wholeness. We are most comfortable in settings that allow us to present the concepts of mental and emotional wellness as components of a Divine spiritual birthright offered to every human being.

What is our Role?

A spiritually-focused therapist integrates proven clinical theories with Universal truth to create enlightened mental health. Spiritual grounding is an ancient universal skill that is often the missing piece in mental health work. A spiritually-focused therapist introduces complex universal concepts, such as sovereignty, divinity, and shadow work, while simultaneously unmasking layers of dysfunctional coping buried in the subconscious. Rather than ignoring the subtle bodies, they are incorporated in treatment. In addition, the chakra system is valued as a vital component of one’s life force. These variables can be invisible to non-spiritual practitioners. However, to spiritually focused therapists, they are recognized as critical aspects of assessing a client’s wellness, self-care and coping skills.

The work that we do is Sacred. We are aware of the sovereign space that exists within every human life. Strong mental and emotional health is a birthright. We are here to help the planet heal and realign to a higher sacred way of being. We use our platform to reacquaint our clients and patients with their sacred master blueprint. In the midst of an ever changing world, with its uncertainty and chaos, we are a source of calm. We weave the possibilities of a higher vibration and stronger mental health within the various dynamics of life. We are dream connectors helping clients and patients remember their soul dream. When a person remembers who they are as a soul, the client or patient then attunes and aligns to their most authentic truth naturally, which is sacred and conducive for strong mental health. We remind our clients and patients that strong mental and emotional wellbeing can be achieved by incorporating spiritual concepts into one’s daily habits and practices.

How Do We Help?

Imagine finding the Divine Truth in every Clinical Theory and presenting a non-dualistic version of that clinical strategy.

Imagine knowing that each encounter with a client or patient is an opportunity to share sacred space where the individual may ascend from self-imposed limitations and lower mind thinking into a higher view of self. Imagine assisting humanity into the elevated consciousness that perpetuates a new healthier world where people remember their worth through the lens of being a sacred being with ancient lineage, which assures a spiritual birthright of self-mastery. This is the path of the spiritually focused therapist, clinician and practitioner.

We are alchemists amalgamating science with spirit. We recognize that within this science-spirit continuum, there is no discrepancy, no breach, no pressure, no problem nor obstacle to contend with. There is only a vast universe filled with beautiful potential when each human realigns to their Sacred Soul Blueprint with confidence and self-love.

The spiritual therapist acts as a catalyst to create mass consciousness brain reset. We are guides who hold the keys to one unique aspect of humanity's gigantic super puzzle. We carry the tools that unlock doors to strong mental and emotional health. We are space holders witnessing the sacred space where clients and patients clear stale paradigms, release negative patterns and shift the energy to a higher platform, potential and possibility. We are gatekeepers holding the balance between the empirical and the phenomenological. For us, there is no discrepancy. There is no duality.

We create sacred space for clients and patients to heal and remember all that they are. We are conscious creators and visionaries. We are here to envision a healthier planet and show the way for others with great potential to access that healthier way of existence. Our efforts strengthen and support divine consciousness here on our planet. We are advocates that inspire and activate a better way of being. In essence, we harmonize creation with our intentions and high vibrations. Our services are offerings to humanity. They are improving the collective mindset and healing the collective heart space. We are ambassadors of hope and light. Our therapies are light code activations. We recognize that we may not be able to help every single person. Yet, we offer our services with grounded excitement and hope for a healthier humanity. For those of like mind and frequency, working with us will be an enlightening, fresh, new approach to mental health and emotional healing.

 Interested in journeying together?