
Last updated June 28, 2022

Dr. Eileen Shoals is a licensed Marriage and Family Therapist within the state of California, United States. If you wish to work with Dr. Eileen solely for clinical therapeutic services, you must reside in the State of California. This website is intended to serve as an educational resource to help visitors increase self-awareness and incorporate healthy coping skills as a supplement to their already established mental health regime.

The website is in no way intended to replace appropriate clinical and/or medical treatment. If you are struggling with mental and/or emotional health issues, please consult with a licensed psychologist, licensed psychotherapist, or licensed clinical social worker. Depending on the severity of symptoms, you may need to consult with your primary medical doctor to rule out biological factors. Your medical doctor can also refer you to a psychiatrist, if appropriate. There are high conscious and holistic practitioners in every field. Look for those who resonate with you and that you believe can truly assist you on your mental health journey. Maintain responsible health practices so that you can learn to self-regulate, incorporate activate positive coping skills and increase mental and emotional health wellness.


If you have questions or comments about this disclaimer, please contact us.