Explore my offerings.


Individual Expansion

Group Experiences

Community Connection

Individual Expansion • Group Experiences • Community Connection •


  • Individual Psychotherapy

  • Cognitive Reprogramming Skills Practice

  • Emotional Recalibration


  • Empath Support Group (6 participants required)

  • Breath & Meditation Relaxation

  • Mental Health in The Workplace (for organizations)


  • Rituals of Gratitude 

  • Seasonal Workshops 

  • Wellness Retreat Orchestration

All services are intended to create healing, which inspires excitement and wholeness in all areas of life.


“The awakening refers to a rise in consciousness that is taking place all over the world globally. You can see it as people begin to care more about human beings, animals and the planet. As more and more people heal, their wholeness becomes a journey of wellness, self-love and celebration of soul alignment. This self-mastery becomes the catalyst for healthier relationships and deeper human connection.”

- Dr. Eileen Shoals


Client Love

I’ve worked with several therapists over the better part of a decade, but it wasn’t until working with Dr. Shoals that I was able to conceive of the totality between the traumas I’ve continued to work through and my spiritual Self. Since working with Dr. Shoals these past few years, I’ve learned a new language to make sense of thoughts, emotions, physical manifestations and processes that allows me to reconsider my relationship to my traumas. This new language combined with metacognitive tools and physical techniques such as breathing exercises and mantras have helped me maintain my well-being and has challenged me to align with my highest divine Self daily.
— Adam

"My experience with Eileen was life-changing. Eileen taught me how to take a lifetime of pain and change it into my strengths. I learned to connect with my higher self and how to let go of what does not serve my higher purpose. I was able to bring healing to my entire family and break karmic cycles. I am forever grateful.”

— Reyna

"Eileen's guidance has been one of the most valuable components to my healing. Her strategies, expertise, and genuine care are a true blessing. My respect for Eileen and connection with her is something I truly value!"

— Sue

“Eileen, we are strong and healthy thanks to your hard work and compassion.
There are no words to express how much you have helped us to find ourselves and each other. Thank you always.”

— Terrence and Angela


“Eileen has helped our family to understand how each member uniquely walks through life enabling us to be more supportive of each other. Her intuitive approach and gifted skill set are incomparable.”

— B.A.

“Eileen, you are amazing! You are such a phenomenal woman. Thank you so much for helping me get settled and grounded in my divinity. I always feel stronger after each session.”

— Jessica

“Eileen, it always seems that when I need a lift me up, you send me an email just at the right time over and over. You sure are a one-of-a kind person - so special in many ways.”

— Chris

I truly want to thank you from the bottom of my heart for all your support and sessions these past couple of years. I really was in the deepest pits of depression and anxiety of my life, you’ve helped me more than you know. You are truly a gift from God. When I felt like I had nobody in my life you were there with compassion and empathy. You’ve given me so many tools and taught me how to overcome my past. I don’t feel like a broken person anymore. I felt broken for so long that it had become my identity. Anywho, thank you so much for all that you do for others and what you’ve done for me.
— M.H.

You just came across my mind. I was thinking of how ahead of your time you are. My experiences with you were “girl power” empowering. As a woman and mother to girls, I loved every moment...from healthy eating to pole class to assertive expression on uncomfortable topics. You challenge women to deprogram...in essence to unprison our imprisoned/repressed minds in order to embrace God’s best creation...woman. Thank you tremendously for being a fearless and phenomenal woman. Keep being an inspiration, continue to help women explore the hidden treasures of themselves.
— Yu Mika Dwells

“Strong emotional management can eliminate obstacles that impede the flow of Source energy in the mental and emotional subtle bodies. With these blocks removed, Source energy can flow downward to heal the physical body, as well as upward unencumbered into the higher aspects of who we are. This contributes to higher frequencies which allows deeper understanding of esoteric wisdom, ancient truths and this ever expanding awakening of human consciousness.”

— Dr. Eileen Shoals

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