The Empath Breath is Sacred Transcript
July 24, 2022
The Empath Breath is Sacred | Light Code Activation and Channeled Message Transcript
Hello empaths. Welcome back. It’s sunset where I am. So, the sun is streaming in, which is great. Today’s going to be a little bit different. I invite you if you like, to get some incense or your favorite crystals. Whatever you like…some water, sage. I have incense. Rather than focusing on tips and lessons, we’re gonna just breathe. We’re going to take a nice beautiful collective empath breath. We’re going to clear the energetic space. The physical space, the emotional space, the mental space, the spiritual space. We’re going to come together in our own individual corners of the world and create a sacred collective breath for ourselves. Of course, and for our own nervous systems, but also for our planet. This is why we’re here and we’ve been activated. So, let’s bring our collective energies together in a beautiful harmonious way. I’m hoping that this breath ceremony will be nourishing to your soul. I pray that it will calm the collective nervous system of our beautiful empath collective. I pray that you will receive the healing; the realignment; that sense of connection; the divine knowing that you are not alone and that you are divinely supported. May you remember that you are seen; you are known; you are loved; you are valued. You are so precious and your light shines like a beacon across the planet. And for those who are ready to witness your light…for those who are ready to heal and embody their own soul’s light, you are such a gift. With all of your empathy, and your kindness and your love; your compassion; your energy sensitivity; all of your power, your magic and your gifts. Their so precious. You are so precious.
So I invite you dear ones to take a nice deep heart-felt breath. In through the nose. Hold. And out through the nose. Again, in through the nose. Hold. And exhale out through the mouth. Drop the shoulders down away from the ears. Begin to breathe in a way that feels yummy to the body. You might begin to move, if you like or you can be in the stillness. You don’t have to move. Just breathe. Find your groove. Be in the peaceful space. Connect with Spirit. Bring congruence to the mind, brain…the body…the nervous system. Let them sync. With each and every breath, let’s bring harmony to the right and left brain hemispheres. Let’s sync the brain with the body. And let’s oxygenate…with each breath the cells. Oxygenate the organs. Oxygenate your blood. And your bones. And your muscles and your ligaments…with each breath. Veins and arteries. Just breathe. Feel that beautiful, delicious, yummy recalibration that occurs just with breath. Deep, deep, deep, deep, deep, deep, deep breaths. Inhale and exhale.
Empaths, this may seem very simple, but it’s super magical. Just breathe with me. If you like, go ahead and move. Move the energy within your own body. Shift. Shift, transmute and breathe. Deep, deep, deep, deep, deep breaths. Breathe into the heart space. Breathe out of the heart. Breathe into your own heart and breathe out of the heart. Feels good right? Alright…let’s focus on the right side of the body. Breathe into the crown of the head. This is my right. Breathe into the crown. Exhale down on the right side…all the way down to your feet. Imagine it looping around and coming right back in. Energy breath though the crown of the head. Only down the right side. All the way down. Don’t miss an inch. Breathe all the way out and loop again. Go at your own pace through the head. Only through the right. Now let’s focus on the left. Inhale through the crown…only on the left. Exhaling down the left side of the body. All the way down every inch of your being. Down through the feet into your energy field. Let the breath loop. Go at your own pace. Come back down through the crown. We’ll do this a few more times. Now, you may wish to have your hands open, facing outwards, in receiving position, or down by your side. But be in an open space.
Dear ones, let’s invite our angels. Depending on your lineage, let’s invite your spirit guides. Your guardian protectors. Ascended masters. Divine sacred celestial beings. All of the beautiful beings that exist in the highest light who love you unconditionally and have only your highest good as their purest intention. Ambassadors of light commissioned to support you. Commissioned by God, Creator, Divine Source to support you during your empath journey as a human on this planet. Allow them to be present with you now. And with us in our sacred circle. So just breathe and recalibrate from the top of our heads to the tips of our toes. It’s in this space, inviting all of those Divine beings who exist in the highest realms of pure love and light with the Source of Creation. In the spirit of oneness, with gratitude in our hearts, it is our intention to breathe a collective empath breath that extends as far as it can go across this entire planet. And into all realms, dimensions and realities where it will benefit the highest good of all. We breathe into our physical experience and into the physical experience in our environment. We breathe into the emotional experience that we are having on this planet and into the emotional experience of our environment. We breathe into the mental experience we are having as empaths and into the mental experience that correlates with the community of beings that we work with. Cleansing the crown chakra. Cleansing the third eye. Healing the mind field. Removing all that no longer serves from the mind field. And recalibrating and aligning the mind field with only those aspects of divinity and the energetic field that are aligned for our soul path. That serve the highest light. That are congruent with our soul master blueprint. Recalibrating mind, body, energy, physicality, brain, body, nervous system. Align and recalibrate according to the divine master blueprint of our individual and collective lives. Take a deep breath Empaths. Brain reset with breath. Heart heal now with breath. Deep inhales. Deep exhales. We’re breathing for ourselves and for our community. We’re breathing for our world. Body return to physical health and strength. Immune system be strong. Nervous system calm. Deep breaths Empaths. Let the nervous system recalibrate to the highest light. Right and Left brain hemispheres balancing now. Cells and organs refreshing and regenerating. Blood and bones recalibrating to the highest offering and light codes available. Consciousness, realign to our sacred and divine authenticity now. Oneness, return to our consciousness. Infiltrate every cell, every organ. Fill our bones and our blood with the electromagnetic frequency of oneness. Pure love. A pure heart structure.
Breathe. Find that yummy…yummy, yummy, yummy, delicious breath. We’re together. On some level, our souls chose to be together for such a time as this. With all that’s going on in our world, our souls and the Source of Creation, by design decided for us to be here now together. Bringing harmony and love and light to this planet. Restoring balance. Stepping into our warrior energy…our power; with humility and grace and dignity, but with full confidence and awareness of why we’re here. Why we came. What we came to share. What we came to embody. What we came to breathe life into. So, as you breathe in the spirit of oneness, let us allow our spirit to remember that we are sacred and that we are sovereign. Divine children of the Creator. Citizens of this universe. With rights…with gifts…with power. With access to Divinity. It’s so beautiful when we come together in the Sacred Circle.
So finding your yummy, delicious breath…. Find it. Find that yummy, yummy, yummy, yummy, delicious breath. Give it to yourself now. Extend it to all of your parts. All of your parts. Spread it over every inch of your being. Breath…recalibrated breath. Breath recalibrated to the highest light; that serves the highest good of all. Allow your consciousness and your subconscious to sync. Allow oneness between your consciousness and your subconsciousness. Allow oneness between your right and left brain hemispheres. Oneness between the logic part of you and the intuitive part of you. Allow oneness between the brain and the body. Spirit and matter. Parts of you that are within this sacred temple; this physical temple and the parts of you that are without. Allow oneness to reign.
Alright, dear beautiful hearts in this sacred space, we’ve cleared the space. We’ve aligned and realigned, and we’ve recalibrated. We’ve invited our sacred guardian protectors. We are in sacred circle with each other, with our higher selves. With the guardian protectors, the angelics, the celestials…those divine beings of the universe in the highest light. Our ancestors…who got our back. Who love us unconditionally. We are in sacred fellowship at this time. Embracing and embodying the light of the Source of Creation…that has infiltrated the circle. The clear light is upon us. In this space, let’s do a who, what, when, where and how exercise. Take a deep breath. Breathe. Magic is already here. You don’t have to do anything except be your pure heart structure with a pure intention. The higher aspects of you and all of the divine beings that are with us at this time are sharing this breath, syncing this breath. Sharing our light, syncing the light. Across the globe. Across the dimensions. Across the realities. Wherever it is needed. Wherever it serves the highest good. Within this space in your hearts…as you breathe your beautiful, divine, sacred breath stand in the place of your own clarity knowing who you are as an emissary of light, dear empath. Ambassador of the divine. Born for such a time as this. As you’re breathing, you are so magical. Such a gift. You’re so beautiful. You are light shining. You are sacred and you are known. And you are so appreciated and valued. In this space where you are embodying all that you are, speak your truth. Let the heart ask who needs our light? Who needs the sacred breath? Who needs this intention? Who needs this energy clearing and energy activation? Let the higher self and your spiritual guidance team respond. Remember, empaths ask the right questions. We don’t have to answer the questions. Our job is to ask the right questions. When the answer is gifted to us from the quantum field…from our lineage, and from our ancestors and those who protect us…from God…from your soul. Our only responsibility is to calibrate and recalibrate to the divine answers that are gifted. Who needs our light? Who needs this sacred breath? May all who are ready and aligned, receive now.
And, what situations, circumstances, and events in our lives, in our communities, and in our environments need this sacred breath? Need the sacred circle? This oneness? This intention? This pure heart structure? What would benefit from this energy clearing and activation? Just breathe. We’re not alone. We’re doing this in the sacred circle with so many beings around you right now. You’re an instrument; a vessel. You’re a conduit of light. A conduit of sacred breath. Divine spiritual beings, where should our light go? Where can this breath go? How far? What dimensions? What realities? What experiences? Where can this light go that will serve the highest light for the highest most divine outcomes?
When? When will this sacred breath be most impactful? When is it required? When does it serve the highest good…knowing that time is a man-made construct? It’s not really relevant, as long its divine timing. And how can this sacred breath…how can this intention…this energy clearing and this energy activation serve the highest good of all on our beloved planet? How can our planet, Gaia, Mother Earth, be honored as sacred? How can the flora and fauna be honored as sacred? How can the elementals and the elements be honored as sacred? How can we serve the highest light? How can we maintain an attitude of gratitude when life gets hard? How can we recalibrate when we’re lonely? How can we remain focused when our world has been chaotic and it feels like hope is lost? How can we love ourselves? How can we nourish ourselves more?
I bet you never knew that parsley, sage, rosemary and time could be so sacred (giggle) could be so sacred, right? Of course they are! Everything is sacred that is done in service to the Divine. I think it’s “Scarborough Fair”, the name of the song. Stay in the sacred space knowing that you are a contributor to this sacred space, this sacred altar. You created it with your intentions and with your presence and with your breath. You’re a very powerful empath. You have healing in your hands. You have healing in your heart space. You come from a lineage of healers, dear hearts. That’s why you were born as an empath in this life. You come from a lineage of healers and your soul chose you to be an ambassador of it’s light. And to carry on. To carry the torch of your ancestors and those divine beings that walked this planet before you. Your work is sacred. Your smiles are sacred. Your intentions are so sacred. Your prayers matter. Your divinity, your integrity…the way you show up. The way you’re kind and loving and compassionate.
For those that it resonates with, take a nice inhale to release compassion fatigue. It’s gotten lodged in your neck. It’s gotten lodged in your spine, your lower back. It’s gotten lodged in your hips…yeah? Inhale deep, deep, deep, deep, deep, beautiful souls. You don’t have to take on the burden of your assignments. Breathe in. Deep, deep, deep. Let it go, let it go, let it go. You’re so beautiful. You’re so loving. You’re so kind, but you don’t have to experience fatigue. You don’t have to take on the chaos of your clients and your customers. Release. Release. Release. Be free. Deep breath. Be free from the compassion fatigue. Some of you are on the front lines, helping the world; helping the planet, but you’re saying “what about my family? Whose just so…oh my gosh…lost, so materialistic, superficial. Not aligned in oneness. Racist. Prejudiced. Only focused on money. They devalue what matters and they value what’s not important. Just breathe. It’s gonna be ok, beautiful souls. You see, the laws of the universe include reciprocity. There’s no way you’re going to be doing your sacred work and your spiritual guidance isn’t going to take care of you and what you care about. Your health. Your wealth. Your relationships. Your divine soul partner. Your children. Your parents. Your finances. Your retirement plan. Your car. Your car repairs. Your mortgage payment. Your aging process. All of that is covered, dear ones.
Just breathe. Knowing that you are in the most beautiful position. You’re in your sacred, sacred position. Your sacred space. So there’s beautiful light codes that are being released right now. I’m seeing hieroglyphics. I’m seeing lights. I’m seeing stars. Beautiful. I’m seeing lines with points attached to them. But what’s happening is that all of these different images that I’m seeing…and they’re beautiful colors. Blue, orange…all kinds of colors. These different…they’re like letters but they’re not the English alphabet. That’s for sure. They look older. They’re all coming together. They’re creating what looks like a template. So, there’s light codes being offered. Breathe deeply. Light codes are being offered right now. This is a light code activation. Just breathing and receiving…You don’t have to do anything but allow. Stand in the position of receiving. This way. This way. This way. Hands down, palms facing forward or whatever works for you. Just receiving in this space, we give ourselves permission to align, recalibrate. Align and recalibrate. And integrate. Upload all new light codes that are being offered right now for healing. For clarity. For divine intelligence that’s being activated. And the knowing that you don’t have to work so hard. That’s the message for us right now. You don’t have to work so hard. Spirit has you. Divine ambassadors of light who chose to be here in this position. Giving. Serving. You are in collaboration with the Divine. You are co-creators with angels and your guidance and God. You are not alone, and you are being divinely supported at this time. Just receive these light code activations. Release the tension from the neck. Let it go. Leaving the neck and rotator cuff. Rotator cuffs, scapulae, clavicle, sternum, and torso. Release, release, release. Release, release, release. Release, release. Migraines are being healed. Stop overthinking empath. Get back into the right brain. Stop being so much in left brain where you’re overanalyzing. Stop overthinking. You’re in divine collaboration. You’re not doing this work by yourself. You’re fully and divinely supported. You are loved. You are seen. You are known.
Breathe. Breathe. Breathe. Breathe into your ability to receive healing. To receive the abundance and prosperity that is necessary for you to fulfil your sacred work without becoming overwhelmed. For you to do your sacred work without being overwhelmed by the work. Receive those light codes now. You might be feeling it in your solar plexus, and sacral chakra. A lot of healing going on in the center of the being. Just receive. Receive, receive, receive. We are breathing and recalibrating and realigning to the highest potential. To all that is aligned. To all that is available and appropriate and divinely required for us to complete our soul work here. To live our daily lives. To be spirit and matter. One foot here on the earth plain firmly grounded. Parts of us in the eithers…getting our divine command codes and sharing them with humanity.
Dear beautiful empath, you are divinely seen and known. You are divinely supported. Just breathe. We’re coming to the end of this sacred circle. This beautiful time of just breath. Take a nice deep, deep breath. Hold. And release. Rub the palms together. Press the thumbs into the heart space. Deep, deep breath. Hold. And release. At the crown, allowing our spirit that has been hovering outside of the body to gently re-integrate. And feel Re-entry of spirit into our bodies now. Anchoring and grounding the light cord. Anchoring all the way down deep into the planet. As above, so below. As within, so without. Anchoring and grounding from the North, the South, the East, the West. From the Northwest, the Southeast. The Northeast, the Southwest. All directions. We are anchored. We are grounded. So grateful for this moment. For this time. This space. This energetic opportunity to ground with sacred breath.
Dear beautiful empaths, thank you for participating in this breath ceremony; this energy clearing and this light code activation. May you feel nourished and refreshed and replenished, grounded, healed, healthy, seen, known, valued, loved…all that. For you are. You truly are all that. In this space, we now close our channel and our consciousness. Closing down. Shutting down the portal. Every vortices, every opening, every window, every door. Asking our guardian protectors to seal every nook, cranny, crevice. Every door and window and portal that was opened in this beautiful sacred circle, we now close. Sealing it with light. We ask that no thing; no energy; nothing that is outside of this sacredness enter into our being. And let only those energies and vibrations and frequencies, that have been approved by our soul’s light and the divine creator be given access to us. Mind, body, spirit, energy recalibrated now to the soul master blueprint and God’s divine plan for our lives. So be it and so it is. Blessings, empaths. Stay the course.
-End of Transmission