deactivate the negative mindset

When you are used to thinking negatively it’s because your brain has been programmed to be negative. You may not realize that some of your automatic responses are negative. However, the nervous system and your emotional state will let you know over time exactly how you are thinking most of the time. Our disposition and outlook on life are often directly correlated with the way that we think. Negative programming has to be deactivated. Once you have deactivated what isn’t working, you can begin to activate higher thought protocols. Sort of like clearing your computer of viruses. Once you get rid of the junk, you can upload new software. Once positive thought programs or protocols have been uploaded to your mental computer, your vibration elevates.

You will need to recalibrate from time to time in order to maintain a healthy brain and nervous system. You will need to detox your mind and heart space occasionally to get rid of any old residue or new particles that are unhealthy. Basically, anything that is not helpful to your life progress and forward movement cognitively, mentally, emotionally, spiritually, energetically, relationally and all ways needs to be addressed, removed and replaced with healthier mechanisms. I often talk about keeping your energy fresh and replenished so you are always at 100%. This can’t be passive. In order to maintain your optimism, positive outlook, high vibe, healthy brain, productive habits and overall life optimum…you have to be diligent about what goes in and what goes out. Recalibrating your mindset protects your life force and your vibration…and your energy. When your life force is protected and your vibe is high and your energy is fresh…and replenished, you are able to avoid mental, emotional and energetic drain.

Once calibrated to the level, vibration and frequency that is available, appropriate and attainable for your life path, your soul experiences in this human life become so much more enjoyable. Actively removing what doesn’t belong in your mind, allows you to sit at a much higher vantage point and platform within your consciousness. Once you have a regular regime of mental hygiene where you regularly deactivate what is not needed and activate what is productive, you can introduce the practice of Gratitude.

Gratitude will protect your mind, body, energy and spiritual beliefs. Gratitude anchors all of the seeds you have planted and protects the harvests you are manifesting. Let gratitude be your new launching point and you will notice more magical moments of clarity. Solutions will show up faster. Relationships will get better. Your overall life improves by practicing gratitude consistently after removing the negative thought programs that drain and deplete your life. The practice of gratitude supports all of the new healthy and positive thought protocols that you are uploading daily for your highest good. And your whole being appreciates this. Your brain loves this. Your nervous system responds quickly to this. Your heart will beat confidently and your body thrives when you create a new environment with this style of thought.

Lindsey Kimura

With 14+ years experience in business development, marketing, brand management, event production, operations and strategic partnerships, I partner with entrepreneurs and creatives to start and grow businesses from the foundation up. My approach is holistic with a specialty in creating and implementing custom plans for growth. Connecting people, brands and community lights me up!

the empath code


the divine will teach you