Depleted Empath Is in Survival Mode
When an empath is running on fumes, their heart begins to close off to everyone and everything. They have over given for so long without proper balance, that now they are reactive and in crisis mode. Without proper boundaries and self-care, the nervous system can’t recalibrate. Without proper rest and self-nurturing, a once conscious super caring individual becomes worn out. Once you have become depleted, your heart closes because you have nothing else to give.
On the other hand, empaths who practice radical self-love and continue to pour back into themselves have the capacity to remain connected. The process of giving and receiving remains in balance. The healthy evolved empath protects themselves and by doing so, their relationships and projects are sustained. Evolved empaths embrace change and look for opportunities to heal before they become burned out. The focus is very different than the empath that is stuck in the loop of over giving to the point of exhaustion.