empath alchemists use their words wisely

Energetically, empaths transmute situations and energies. We transform energy and create higher outcomes and potentials in a variety of situations. Conceptualization is key. As an alchemist you create ideas within your heart space and in your mind’s eye, but you also create with your words. You are literally creating life when you speak. So what are you fore-casting with your words?

  1. Use your words to speak life. 

  2. Pray. Declare. Activate.

  3.  Conceptualize what is positively possible 

  4. Speak a blessing

  5. Speak protection

  6. Call in the highest unfolding, the highest potential that serves in the highest light

  7. If you have to confront a situation or speak wisdom to create a better outcome, always frame your words in a positive light to serve the highest good. Even when speaking truth, you are responsible for the delivery of that truth. Your delivery can make or break the situation. Your delivery can inspire the human collective or discourage them. 

Consider alleviating words like:

  1. Warning

  2. Cursed

  3. Doom and Gloom

  4. Their lost. They’re all going to hell (is that absolutely necessary; Is this the only option?)

  5. Do we have to highlight the negative? Sometimes, the negative is already evident. Stating it doesn’t help. Sometimes, people need solutions of a higher light and vibe to see how they can crawl out of the hole. 

You have the power to encourage humans to intensify their protection, but don’t scare the people with your words. You are responsible for your creations. So wield your magic in such a way that it always cultivates optimism, faith, hope, love and peace. Breathe life into situations with your words. Your words declare which side of the light you stand with. Where do you stand? Decide. Decide which side of the light you work with. 

You have free will. Which structure do you choose to align with? There are those who feel very comfortable cursing the people and declaring doom and gloom. Viewing the glass as half full, pessimistic points of view and all that is wrong with the world. How do you choose to move through the world? How do you choose to represent Light? What is your purpose and how will you use your words?

Be cognizant of the space in which you sit and operate, and flow, and hold space. This is where your alchemy occurs. As a conduit, you flow in and out of energetic frequencies. This happens so often, you may not always realize that your life experience is also a teaching or an live illustration; a living epistle, if you will. Be mindful. Watch your words. They are life or death. The words that you speak are an extension of your thoughts. These thoughts are either creating life or death. 

Breath by breath…what are you creating? Words, deeds, patterns…what are you creating? Take ownership of your thoughts. Clear the energy that is not aligned. Be diligent about what you speak. Watch your words and catch the ones that have no healthy purpose before they hit the ground. You are a powerful alchemist. With intention and diligence, you can shape perspective. You can inspire. You can enlighten and your words can heal. You can build up or you can destroy with one single word from your mouth. Words have power and you as an empath are magical. So, what do you choose to speak? Stay diligent. Stay mindful in love and light for the highest good of all.

Lindsey Kimura

With 14+ years experience in business development, marketing, brand management, event production, operations and strategic partnerships, I partner with entrepreneurs and creatives to start and grow businesses from the foundation up. My approach is holistic with a specialty in creating and implementing custom plans for growth. Connecting people, brands and community lights me up!


the power of words, what are you creating?


be consistent, your brain loves this