empath Q&A August 2022

Q&A – Discerning Structures, Emotional Baggage & Inner Child Healing

  1. How do I know who to listen to? 

  2. How do I know when someone is evil? 

  3. What types of healers should I work with?

The label is not what matters. The structure of the heart is what sets the tone for the way the person moves through the world. Intention, action and spaced repetition of these intentions and actions will eventually create a vibrational set-point.  This is where you as a spiritual being launch from. 

The Pure – Sacred Heart Structure

  • Part of the Divine Plan

  • Embrace the Law of Oneness

  • Align with the Divine and make adjustments as needed without drama or control

  • Lineage is passed down from ancestors and predecessors

  • Authentic power to manifest with obvious manifestations

The Impure – Power and Control Structure

  • Self-Serving

  • Lower Vibration

  • Dial into the negative aspects of power.

  • Use knowledge of energy for selfish purposes (whether alone or in groups with nefarious agendas)

  • Energetic Manipulation

1. What’s the difference between a feeling and an emotion?

A feeling is an initial reaction to an experience. It’s temporary and can change or dissipate very quickly.An emotion is a feeling sustained for a period of time that rooted itself in your psyche, heart space and consciousness. It creates a vibration and there are psychological and physiological consequences of that sustained state.

2. How can I heal my inner child? 

Address the feelings that the inner child experienced that were never healed. Let your inner child know it doesn’t have to carry the burden of childhood anymore. Give your inner child assurance that you are in control and that you are working with the Divine in beautiful ways to keep your structure safe and free from violation, trauma, pain, etc. 

Lindsey Kimura

With 14+ years experience in business development, marketing, brand management, event production, operations and strategic partnerships, I partner with entrepreneurs and creatives to start and grow businesses from the foundation up. My approach is holistic with a specialty in creating and implementing custom plans for growth. Connecting people, brands and community lights me up!


remember oneness


the empath changes with each experience