exquisite empath

Some people are content to just survive with no methodical approach to the way they live their lives. Some people just accept whatever comes into their field of experience…and they allow whatever to influence their consciousness.

This haphazard approach is not the way of the Empath. For us, there is a higher path. As an empath, you are divinely supported always. You are being asked to go beyond just surviving. You are being asked to truly live. You are being called to know within every fiber of your being what it means to truly live from the heart and embody heart space living in every movement and every breath. You are being summoned to a higher echelon of experience. You are called to be Exquisite in all that you do, in all that you exhibit, in all that you allow to be in your world.

Remember, you are here to demonstrate that humans have options. You are here to exude love and demonstrate that love still exists. It’s not dead. This requires that you love yourself first. Then teach others how to do the same. Exquisite Self-Care is the Key and it is achieved by living from the heart.

Exquisite self-care begins by abiding within the sanctuary of the heart. As you emerge from integrating what your body, mind, heart and soul need, you will realize that exquisite self-care can be anything that feels amazing. Consider doing some of these things as Exquisite Self-Care Practices:

  1. Lay in a crystal light therapy bed with sound 

  2. Go to the Mineral Hot Springs

  3. Dance in Nature

  4. Get Vitamin D with real Sunbathing

  5. Be in a botanical garden or your own garden. Use floral therapy as feng shui

  6. Participate in Regular Sound Baths (individualized for you, if possible)

  7. Wand Yourself With Crystals. Then lay in nature with crystals all around you

  8. Get Acupuncture, Acupressure or Alphabiotics treatments regularly 

  9. Hyperbaric Float Tank 

  10. Write letters of love to yourself on a regular basis

  11. Be radically affirming and kind to yourself with words and deeds

  12. Let go of the unnecessary quickly so the Necessary can flow into your life. Release gently but thoroughly. Be attached to nothing from the past. Know you are always Divinely supported and you will always have all that you need. Therefore, there is no need to hold on to what hurts you or creates pain. Be free and stay in your own energy (your peaceful zen zone).

  • We came her to be the best version of ourselves. This helps the planet more than anything.

  • Required that we love ourselves first (Empath 1st Lesson)

  • Must go within the heart space in order to activate this ability at the highest level. 

  • This is an Advanced Protocol that only gets activated and learned when we are mature enough to see through the lens of the heart.

Be Exquisite in your self-care practices and your angels, ancestors and divine protectors will be exquisite in the ways they take care of you. In honor of you being the divine ambassador of God, they will match your energy and even go beyond what you imagine is possible. Be good to yourself as a ritual of gratitude. Be ceremonial when it comes to your self-care.

Lindsey Kimura

With 14+ years experience in business development, marketing, brand management, event production, operations and strategic partnerships, I partner with entrepreneurs and creatives to start and grow businesses from the foundation up. My approach is holistic with a specialty in creating and implementing custom plans for growth. Connecting people, brands and community lights me up!


be consistent, your brain loves this


love begins again by loving yourself first