family health, healing and resilience

Here is a template to assess the health and wellness of your family dynamic. Contemplating the various sections and making any necessary adjustments in the ways that you interact as a family will significantly benefit the family unit.

I. Identifying and Alleviating Dysfunction

  • Problem Solving with Solution Oriented Strategies

  • Talking vs. Yelling

  • Understanding vs. Judging

  • Incorporating Love in all Conversations and Communication Style

  • Commitment to Heal vs. Needing to be Right

II. Five Love Languages

  • Words of Affirmation

  • Quality Time

  • Receiving Gifts

  • Acts of Service

  • Physical Touch

III. Hard Rules vs. Soft Rules

  • Absolute Concrete Requirements and Minor Preferences

  • Knowing Yourself and Your Family Members…Meeting Half Way for the Love’s Sake

IV. The Power of Recognition

  • The action or process of recognizing or being recognized in particular 

  • Acknowledgment of something’s existence, validity or legality

  • Appreciation, gratitude, acclaim, thanks, congratulations, commendation, credit or acknowledgement for an achievement, service, or ability.

V. Remembering that Tomorrow is Not Promised, Ponder These Questions:

  1. What are the ways I can show my family members that they matter to me?

  2. What have I done for a family member in the last 7 days, 14 days or 30 days that was completely selfless and all about them (not about meeting my needs)?

  3. Do I recognize when my family members need me emotionally…or am I self-absorbed in my own agenda, problems, stress and life? 

  4. If I do recognize when my family members need me emotionally, how do I respond to their needs?

  5. If my loved ones were to pass away unexpectedly, will I be able to live with myself? 

  • Have I said everything that needed to be said?

  • Have I gone out of my way to show them that they matter to me?

  • Have I been the best version of myself to help them be the best version of themselves?

Lindsey Kimura

With 14+ years experience in business development, marketing, brand management, event production, operations and strategic partnerships, I partner with entrepreneurs and creatives to start and grow businesses from the foundation up. My approach is holistic with a specialty in creating and implementing custom plans for growth. Connecting people, brands and community lights me up!

empath Q&A September 2022


relationship reminders