just breathe, you’ve done it before

Focusing on the past can be detrimental, can keep you stuck. Staying in the now moment helps you maintain focus and stay self-regulated. However, revisiting past experiences that were pleasant can also be useful when you need to activate some new energy. 

Think about something you already accomplished. It can be any area of your life. Perhaps something in sports, academics, career, or travel. Think about it and breathe.  What have you already done? Think of something that was hard. Now, think about what it took for you to accomplish that thing. 

What did you have to do? Did it require sacrifice? Did you have to stretch yourself? Did you have to save money? 

Did you have to get up early? Did you have to abstain from carbs, sugar, or fatty foods? 

What did you have to do to accomplish that challenging thing?  What did you do…and how did you do it? What BIG thing?

When attempting to activate or reactivate your energy, consider something that you have already done. It’s best to think of something thrilling, fun, exhilarating. Can you find that thing right now? Can you imagine having the time of your life? Was there a past experience that was just everything…even if just for a few moments? Maybe you created something. Perhaps you built something. Maybe you hiked a challenging mountain. Maybe you threw the party of the century. Perhaps you started a business and made an unexpected profit the fist year. Whatever it was, find it and think about it right now. Think about it and breathe into it. Bring the energy of that past success into your now moment.

Lindsey Kimura

With 14+ years experience in business development, marketing, brand management, event production, operations and strategic partnerships, I partner with entrepreneurs and creatives to start and grow businesses from the foundation up. My approach is holistic with a specialty in creating and implementing custom plans for growth. Connecting people, brands and community lights me up!


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