Let Them Learn, Feel the Burn

It can be very difficult as an empath to allow people to experience the consequences of their actions. Historically, you may have wanted to soften the blow for others to protect them from their own karma. However, if you always step in to soothe the wound, how does the immature become mature? How do people truly heal and grow if an empath cushions them from the realities of the cruel hard world? Yes, empaths are here to make a difference…and yes, we do our best to heal what we can. However, this role does not mean that we babysit others in any way. We are not here to do the following:

  • Cater to takers, users, energy vampires, narcissists, or sociopaths.

  • Acquiesce in the face of adversity. 

  • Protect others from their karma.

  • Fall on our sword to keep others from feeling pain.

  • Sacrifice or compromise us to help others avoid the consequences of their choices and actions.

  • Take the fall for someone nefarious.

  • Pretend like the behaviors of others are ok when they are NOT ok.

  • Put up with poor behavior because they don’t know any better

You are here to speak the truth, live the truth and breathe the truth. The truth may at times be difficult for others to accept. Yet, this is how these individuals will learn, grow, and do better. Allow the collective to heal and mature.

Lindsey Kimura

With 14+ years experience in business development, marketing, brand management, event production, operations and strategic partnerships, I partner with entrepreneurs and creatives to start and grow businesses from the foundation up. My approach is holistic with a specialty in creating and implementing custom plans for growth. Connecting people, brands and community lights me up!


Perspective Changes Energy Frequency


Compassion Frequency | Ancestor Healing | Library in Darkness