let’s talk part 2

Conversations to Have vs. Conversations Not to Have

Certain energies are not helpful. These types of old stale energies can be exhausting, draining, and detrimental. Basically, they keep us stuck. As an energy sensitive person, it’s important to recognize which conversations to have and which ones to stay away from. A good rule of thumb is to ask: 

“Is this topic aligned or not?”

“Is this conversation helping me grow or hindering my growth?”

“Is this discussion worth my time or is it wasting my time?”

“Does this experience bring me joy or not?”

Some people bring an energy of argument or debate…and so in order to interact with them, you have to have your guard up and defenses high. But is that really serving your best interest? Isn’t it exhausting having to prepare yourself to interact with difficult people and toxic personalities? 

Conceptualizing conversations as either “In the Light” or “Out of the Light” may be helpful. In other words, is the conversation…

  • Drawing you closer to the Light/your happy place or does it take you further away from lightness and peace?

  • Uplifting or draining?

  • Empowering or disempowering

  • High vibe or low vibe

  • Does it support your goals or take you off course?

Asking these questions and remembering your worth can be wonderful tools for protecting your energy. Any conversation that leads to growth, peace and healing is probably worth having. Any conversation that leaves you feeling disrespected, judged or disempowered is definitely heavier. Is the latter worth it? You can decide for yourself. 

You can live a peaceful life, but you may often have a choice to make…in terms of what you tolerate or put up with. 

Lindsey Kimura

With 14+ years experience in business development, marketing, brand management, event production, operations and strategic partnerships, I partner with entrepreneurs and creatives to start and grow businesses from the foundation up. My approach is holistic with a specialty in creating and implementing custom plans for growth. Connecting people, brands and community lights me up!


you’re not here for that


empath Q&A May 2022