new you says NO!
As energies intensify, we empaths sometimes misjudge what the situation is calling for. Our natural inclination is compassion and empathy. In this space we often loosen boundaries; when the situation actually may be calling for the opposite. In fact, some situations and some energies require that we tighten up the boundaries, rather than loosen them. This may at first feel counterintuitive, but firm boundaries can often make the difference between whether you experience energy drain or if you preserve your precious energy resources. You have free will, but consider saying No. Maybe at times…depending on the situation…a Heck No is required. Boundaries are essential. So, consider saying no to the following:
Narcissists; Having Your Innocence be stolen; Haters; Manipulation; Annoying People, Things or Energies; Chaos; Being Controlled By Others; Negative Family Dynamics; Dysregulating Situations or People; Bad Investments; Gatherings With Others If You Aren’t Feeling It; Bothersome Energy; Forced Energy From Others; Anything Misaligned or Not Worth Your Time and Energy