Strategy for Apathy

Sometimes apathy is a part of the journey. Usually, it's the lower self and shadow expressing emotional buildup or residue from this complex 3D world. Trauma and emotional overload can lock into the physical form of the body, or it can get stuck in the emotional-energetic form. 

Apathy can be released by expressing radical gratitude about all good things in your life; and by saying directly "Spirit Clear It!" Whatever "it" is. Even if you are unsure what the apathy is about, it needs to be cleared from your system. Any lingering trauma residue needs to be extracted from your being so you can exist in a higher energy. 

You can also say "Spirit Clear This!" Always recalibrate to your highest light potential and all that God is in you. Activate those God-particles and Source Frequency. Surrender the lower self in gratitude. Bask in the light. Free yourself and recalibrate.

Love and Light

Lindsey Kimura

With 14+ years experience in business development, marketing, brand management, event production, operations and strategic partnerships, I partner with entrepreneurs and creatives to start and grow businesses from the foundation up. My approach is holistic with a specialty in creating and implementing custom plans for growth. Connecting people, brands and community lights me up!

Highest Timeline Empath


Angelic Light Support | The Balance of Giving