superhero you

Being a super powerful human is more available than one might realize. We are often drawn to the superheroes, stars and athletes because they inspire something that actually exists within us. It may lay dormant inside, but the heroes we are drawn to are archetypes of our own consciousness. Our inner human strength and abilities only need to be activated for us to reveal our highest potential. 

Be the powerful person who brings all of your life experience and learning together in a way that creates a sharp brain, a healed heart and a dynamic life. People who live from the heart and happen to be smart, activate a different kind of inner champion. Your smart might be academic; it may be street smarts. You might be streetwise which is definitely valuable. You might be smart in your approach to things. You may have tried true action steps that are a smart way of living. Whether it comes from academia or the school of hard knocks, find your variation of smart and interlace it in your other strengths. 

Be whatever it takes for you to access your own variation of superhuman mental and physical strength. Just Be! Be your best version. Be the reason people in your life and community have faith in humanity again. Be the reason your loved ones are inspired. Be your own hero so you show up for yourself in ways that you didn’t even realize were possible. Show up for you and keep showing up as a better, stronger, more empowered you. Know that your self-love and tenacity will inspire many. This makes you a legend. This is your destiny and your legacy if you choose to access and activate it.

Lindsey Kimura

With 14+ years experience in business development, marketing, brand management, event production, operations and strategic partnerships, I partner with entrepreneurs and creatives to start and grow businesses from the foundation up. My approach is holistic with a specialty in creating and implementing custom plans for growth. Connecting people, brands and community lights me up!

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