Underestimated Warrior

Dear Family of Light,

Some of you have experienced various types of persecution. These attacks leave you perplexed because you are truly a divine being of light, living from a pure heart structure. It makes no logical sense why or how you could possibly have enemies. Yet, you do. All of us in the light are blessed with a very distinguishable trait. No matter how loving we are and no matter how pure our intentions are, we automatically trigger other people’s demons. 

Your Light, dear one, offends people who are operating from an impure heart structure. You annoy people with hidden agendas. You are a massive sore to those of lower mind with contaminated intentions. You aren’t compromised. You are still pure, and this is one of your superpowers. It’s the reason that you will continue to manifest masterfully and help the planet heal. It’s also the reason that you will face opposition from time to time. 

Nevertheless, relax and stay grounded. Your opps failed to recognize that you will always rise like the phoenix from the ashes. You will rise from every situation that has been hard because you are here for a divine purpose. You are on Divine mission assignment and your life is blessed. Attacks may come, but you will rise yourself. You will recalibrate. You will refresh, regenerate, and reinvent yourself if necessary. You are required. Your opposition is not. Your life was established by the Most High and Your Soul before you were born. 

Your angels and divine protection detail are committed to your wellbeing. Do your work fearlessly and to the best of your ability. Remember who you are. Know that you are safe. Just always listen to your divine guidance. Always follow your gut. Without exception pay attention to your intuition and all will be well. Remember, you are divinely guided, supported, and protected. Always and in ALL ways.


Lindsey Kimura

With 14+ years experience in business development, marketing, brand management, event production, operations and strategic partnerships, I partner with entrepreneurs and creatives to start and grow businesses from the foundation up. My approach is holistic with a specialty in creating and implementing custom plans for growth. Connecting people, brands and community lights me up!


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