Contraction, Expansion

Contraction is the process of going within. It’s a type of hermit mode. Expansion is the process of going without, meaning going outside of yourself. It’s being with community. Both phases are very important for empaths to experience. Knowing which phase you are in and honoring that phase will certainly undergird your experience as empath. 

Empath Contraction Phase

  • process of building roots 

  • Solitude, Meditation

  • Disciplining yourself, teaching yourself

  • Inner Reflection, Learning from reflection

  • Building and Growing Alone

  • A Growth Cycle and growth spurt 

  • Examination of mind, body, spirit-energy

  • A time of healing, correction, and reform

  • Immersion into healing and doing the inner work

Empath Expansion Phase

  • Sharing the fruits of your labor 

  • Sharing what you have learned

  • Celebrating the wins of others

  • Building and Growing with Others

  • An opportunity to express, celebrate, fellowship, creating outwardly

  • An opportunity to commend and appreciate others; honoring  community

  • Engagement with like minded beings

  • Emerging after healing and “doing the work”

During the Contraction phase, you are learning to love yourself. You take care of yourself. You make improvements. You may read books, take classes, work on physical health and fitness.

During the Expansion phase, you are sharing love with others. You may be taking care of others. You are helping others improve in a healthy, non-codependent way.

Lindsey Kimura

With 14+ years experience in business development, marketing, brand management, event production, operations and strategic partnerships, I partner with entrepreneurs and creatives to start and grow businesses from the foundation up. My approach is holistic with a specialty in creating and implementing custom plans for growth. Connecting people, brands and community lights me up!

Physical Recalibration and Body Alignment


I Am Frequency