a letter from me

Dear Empath,

You are without a doubt, a special type of human with unique sensitivity to the people, environments and things around you. In fact, your sensitivity is heightened. As the result, you feel and know things deeply and more than most people. These types of gifts are spiritual tools to help the planet. People use the word “god” but even this word is too simple to describe the ancient universal force. We are connected to everything in creation. This includes the seen and unseen. Some of the unseen includes things like wind, energy, emotions and frequencies, but it can also include unseen beings. If you don’t believe in god, angels, spirits and other-worldly beings, it may be difficult to wrap your brain around this concept. However, if you are able to grasp the fact that you are connected, then you can connect with everything and everyone you are connected with.

The reality is that you are an instrument collaborating with creation to bring peace, harmony and healing to our planet and its inhabitants. Your gifts are of great assistance. You are powerful beyond what you may know. However, you are going to need to get some understanding of how your gifts work so that you can manage the anxiety you experience better. The anxiety is often your ability to dial in to what’s going on around you at such an intense rate that the experience becomes palpable. The logical mind has no way to understand this. Your spirit has the ability to dial in and understand this, but if you don’t believe in god or the spirit world, there is no “file folder” so to speak to filter the information. You don’t have to believe in god, but if you can begin to expand the notion of spirit, then you will begin to make sense of all of these occurrences much more easily. You are a human who is also spirit. The spirit-essence part of you is dialing into the spirit realm. This allows you to access other dimensions, such as dreams and knowingness that you can’t explain. The more you learn to embrace these gifts, rather than give into the fear associated with not knowing or understanding them, the more peace you will experience as an empath soul.

Empaths are healers. As a human healer, you did not consciously choose all of the emotional ups and downs experienced in your human form. However, as a multidimensional consciousness, you did choose to withstand difficulty so you could make a difference on the planet. You did this at a higher level. In other words, your Spirit/Higher Self/Soul made this choice together with your soul to honor God. God is the All of Creation. It’s the collective life-force that ripples throughout time and space. The Higher Self’s job is to implement the will of the Soul. The soul honors God.  Your unique soul has a soul plan or contract which usually involves service or healing of some kind to humanity, the planet and all forms of consciousness that you are connected to.

This sounds beautiful and great, but the problem is that in our humanness it’s not like we arrived with a playbook with rules and training. This path is a trial and error experience in many ways. We get a lot of stuff wrong during our early years (childhood) simply because we don’t know what the heck we are doing. We don’t know how to avoid the emotional pitfalls that will affect us for the rest of our lives. We don’t know how to stay away from toxic relationships that will leave deep scars on our hearts and souls. This is in part because as healers, we want to heal everyone and everything that we possibly can. So we intermingle with a lot of unhealthy souls. Yet, each empath or healer has to learn that they can’t trust everyone. Not everyone is worthy of being a part of our energy field and spiritual work.

There is a huge learning curve as we try to navigate the waters of our spiritual and energetic ocean. I call it an ocean because the potential and possibilities available to us once we understand who we are and how to operate are vast like an ocean. There are several key lessons we must learn in order to be effective and fulfill our soul plan on the planet. One of those major lessons is how to transmute energy. Transmutation of energy is the process of exchanging lower mind, lower consciousness and denser energies into higher light frequencies. In other words, it is an exchange of energy that is extremely powerful to make dark situations better. Transmutation is a collaborative energetic effort. Understanding who your higher guidance is (the different aspects of God and your angels), what is available to you at all times and how to access this energy power is essential.

The more you explore your higher spirit self and your energetic spiritual guidance team, you will discover that you are not only NOT alone, but you have access to real power to heal, transform, and transcend any and all problems. Each and every emotional battle is always an energy/soul battle if you are an empath. The good news is that you can learn how to activate your power and encoding in such a way that creates balance, confidence and spiritual mastery. You are not alone and you will overcome the current emptiness, uncertainty and overwhelm. Stay strong, open, and encouraged!

Eileen Shoals

Dr. Eileen Shoals is a licensed Marriage and Family Therapist in the State of California with a doctorate in Clinical Psychology. Eileen assists her clients with cognitive repair and thought reprogramming, bringing congruence between thoughts of the brain and the underlying subconscious beliefs. Her extensive training in alternative treatment approaches includes connecting with the spirit of an individual to achieve balance and ultimate healing. Combining these holistic approaches with traditional theoretical orientations has proven to be a successful combination in healing traumatic, addictive, psychiatric and/or emotional disorders.


learning lessons