learning lessons

Regarding friends and relationships, it's different for enlightened souls. It's not that you won't have friends, but they won't ever be as important to you as they would be for other people. There is a difference between being "lonely" and being "alone.” At times, the enlightened soul does feel lonely because no one else around gets you, but you are never alone for your higher guidance, all of creation, your higher multidimensional selves, angels, guides, ancestors, ascended masters and all God-Consciousness have your back 100% of the time at all times.

Yet, even with this knowledge, there are times we feel alone. Some of this is because we are ancient souls who have had to walk the path by ourselves many times. We are used to the journey of solitude and most of the time, we can handle it. Yet, there are times when we crave fellowship with like-minded evolved souls. We want to spend time with and dialog with those who get us. At the end of the day, all humans want to be known, understood and valued by another soul. We divine humans are no exception to this. However, we desire to spend time and energy with other souls on the same page as us.

Eventually, these types of souls will find you. However, you won't find them in a vibration or environment that is low or stale. Sometimes, you are strategically placed in an environment with a low vibe because you are the only one strong enough to elevate the consciousness there. However, you can venture out of your assignment from time to time in order to replenish with evolved soul alignments. Remember, we empaths have three experiences on this life path:

Alignments - experiences with people, places, situations, circumstances, events and things that bring our soul joy, peace, calm and refreshment. We feel completely accepted by these alignments and we are able to reconnect to our truth. There are not a lot of these in our lives, but they replenish us so much that their impact can last a very long time and get us through the tough times.

Assignments - these are the majority of people and situations we will encounter. These are the reasons we are here on the planet. We are here to help heal people, nature, animals, all of creation with love, patience, wisdom, strength, support, blessings, and divine anchoring of the planet. Assignments are the reason we came here. These are the things we are here to fulfill. They are always temporary, but we always have the energy to invest and supply these assignments, until they are over. Once the assignment is over, these can easily become distractions as they will pull on our energy when we are supposed to be investing somewhere else. Energy is sensitive and it flows. As long as we go with the flow instead of against the flow, we won't be drained by anyone or anything.

Distractions This third group are the energy vampires and energy drainers that surface in our lives. They can be family, so-called friends, neighbors, enemies, co-workers, etc. They are NOT our assignments, but they pull on our energy. They want to steal our life force and power with their nagging, draining, manipulative, controlling, negative ways. We MUST stay away from them, protect our energy and preserve our life-force by setting firm boundaries with this group of beings. A distraction does not have to be a person; it can also be a party, neighborhood, event or circumstance. We have to learn to recognize these distractions quickly, cut them off from our energy field and life-force and do damage control if they have sucked any joy from our lives. Even a few seconds with a distraction can wipe us out for weeks or months. Obviously, we can't totally avoid them physically, but we must have very firm boundaries to avoid letting them in our heart space energetically. If we do a good job releasing the negative energy of distractions, we will be less lonely and feel less alone because their negativity won't be able to latch onto anything in our energy field.

Also, if we feel a feeling of loneliness or aloneness, it may be a cue from our higher guidance that someone around us is feeling this way.

As an empath, you will often feel disconnected from things that previously gave you a sense of connection. We often feel more comfortable alone in nature such as bodies of water, mountains and around greenery. There will be very few people that you can truly stand to be around because most people are not experiencing the emotional and energetic intensity that you are feeling. There are two ways to handle all of this:

  • Activate your power as an empath and embrace your path as a lightworker. Lightworkers are here to help the planet be better in some way. You can heal just by focusing on helping others. This shifts all of the angst you feel to a divine purpose that is unselfish and serving the highest good of all. You don't have to do anything that is out of your comfort zone. Simply setting aside time for daily prayer for others is helping the planet be better. Of course, you can do more if you feel called to do so.

  • Ground yourself every day. You must create a sanctuary within yourself first and then in your home. You have to connect with your divine higher guidance every day and several times a day in order to get away from the heavy energies that seem too much to deal with. When you create peace within your own soul, the outside world will be much easier to tolerate. You are never going to feel totally comfortable with the outside world, but if you calm the inside, the outside becomes less difficult. Please say grounding prayers and activate your power. This is essential for your growth and learning and healing.

Eileen Shoals

Dr. Eileen Shoals is a licensed Marriage and Family Therapist in the State of California with a doctorate in Clinical Psychology. Eileen assists her clients with cognitive repair and thought reprogramming, bringing congruence between thoughts of the brain and the underlying subconscious beliefs. Her extensive training in alternative treatment approaches includes connecting with the spirit of an individual to achieve balance and ultimate healing. Combining these holistic approaches with traditional theoretical orientations has proven to be a successful combination in healing traumatic, addictive, psychiatric and/or emotional disorders.


why practice self-care?


a letter from me