empath biometric and power cloaking

Some empath keys activate and turn things on. Some empath keys deactivate and turn things off. Some of you Empath Keys activated the biometric system or technology that allows you to recognize the truth. With this technology, you recognize what is real and what is not. You have a system of in protocols that allow you to decipher, calculate, tabulate, etc. You begin to dial in to all that is available so you can see clearly and help humanity free themselves. Eventually, all conscious humans will have this ability and live in sovereignty. 

To avoid burnout and being used, our power sometimes needs to be protected. Many of us have an ancestral lineage that knew how to cloak the power when necessary. Many of our ancestors participated in ceremonies and rituals that were aligned with their values and heritage. When we continue these practices, we continue the legacy of our ancestors and we can create self-regulation. 

Sometimes the gifts of our ancestors should be protected and at other times they should be reserved for an experience that is worthy of receiving your light, gifts or power. Consider the turtle that hides in its shell. Why does it hide? Consider the beautiful peacock with the multicolored feathers. Why doesn’t it reveal its beautiful feathers all the time? Peacocks show how lovely they are when there is a potential mate that they think might be a good match. Turtles hide when they need rest or are in danger. 

Our power and gifts can and should be hidden sometimes. Like a precious jewel in a safe, your particular magic needs to be protected and preserved for aligned situations.

Lindsey Kimura

With 14+ years experience in business development, marketing, brand management, event production, operations and strategic partnerships, I partner with entrepreneurs and creatives to start and grow businesses from the foundation up. My approach is holistic with a specialty in creating and implementing custom plans for growth. Connecting people, brands and community lights me up!


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