what does clinical neuroplasticity look like?

Neural pathways are the foundation of your habits of thinking, feeling, and acting. 

Neuropaths: brain circuitry that is formed by the habits, thinking, feelings, and behavioral patterns of an individual. They are what you believe to be true and why you do what you do.

Neural reprogramming: Rewiring, recoding and resetting habits of thinking, feeling and acting to increase better outcomes and quality of life in a variety of areas. 

Re-patterning for Conscious Living: Being intentional about what we think about ourselves, other parties and the overall living experience. Consciously choosing how we perceive ourselves, others and the experience allows us to create new ideas and healthy attitudes that support positive interaction with.

Thoughts become our things and reality we experience. Whether we are aware or not, our thoughts are shaping the experience, and to some degree, the outcome. How is this possible?

Example of Gym: You can go to a gym and work out wrong, which will produce abnormal physical structure and maybe even pain. Proper form is everything. The mind is the mental gym…and proper thoughts are everything. We think every day, just like we breathe every day. However, both can be done incorrectly. Our thoughts are either helpful or hurtful. Thoughts are conditioning like weight training or body sculpting is conditioning.

We program the brain and soothe the nervous system, in part by what we are thinking and feeling on a regular basis. Let’s learn how our brain learns so we can teach it to help us self-regulate better. 

Lindsey Kimura

With 14+ years experience in business development, marketing, brand management, event production, operations and strategic partnerships, I partner with entrepreneurs and creatives to start and grow businesses from the foundation up. My approach is holistic with a specialty in creating and implementing custom plans for growth. Connecting people, brands and community lights me up!


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