empaths: a spiritual vortex mixing it all up

We are now a couple of weeks into 2022. You are adjusting to the new energies. Some of it feels the same. A lot of it feels different. The energy will speed up in the weeks and months to come so please remember to stay grounded by reviewing all of those initial first lessons discussed last year. Take really good care of yourself. Eat well. Rest Well. Exercise and Hydrate. Surround yourself with people and things that add value. Treat yourself like a queen or king. You are no longer a princess or prince. You are embodying a higher frequency and you are preparing to go even higher into Emperor and Empress energy. You are an ambassador of the Divine and you are here to embody and serve the Highest Light. Treat yourself and honor yourself accordingly.


You are the sacred container that the Divine is using in your corner of the world to clear energy, anchor, and ground in a new frequency of love that is heart centered, of course. 

So, let’s talk about Vortexing the energy. Let’s start with a visual (washing machine for dishes, laundry machine for clothes, a laundry dryer, a waterfall, a sifter, a shaker container, a whirlpool, a whirlwind, a tornado, ocean waves, anything that gives you the image of mixing your energy with another energy. It’s not passive, but it’s not aggressive. It’s confident and assertive, but it’s not going to fight with the other energy. Being the vortex is simply embodying the knowing that you are on Divine Assignment and the Divine is using you as the instrument currently to create change. 

Many of you are preparing to mix some things up. You are being activated as a spiritual vortex.  So, let’s talk about preparation steps so you feel ready for this next phase of your journey of the heart:

  1. Be in your own energy.

  2. Vortex/Filter out your own energy on a regular basis so your channel and container are clear. This is an ongoing process.

  3. You are the container. No one else. You. You control the energy. This is your assignment. You have done the work. You are a pure vessel, and this work is sacred. 

  4. You are the filtration system. You are the conduit for healing, cleansing, freedom, recalibration, liberation. You are here to unstick some people and situations that are stuck. Filter out what is no longer needed. Do it with love from the heart space. Finesse your energy so that the good remains during the process. Toss the rest out energetically. 

  5. Clear Your Own Energy Before You Activate Your Vortex. DIY – Do it yourself clearing. Cut. Dissolve. Clear…Moment to Moment. (Imagine You want to refurbish your house after a tree’s roots took over and began to lift the house. We had an ok tree that was amazing, but it took over at one point. When the house was sold, the new owners chose to remove the tree and roots of the tree so they could level the ground and rebuild their home on a secure foundation). Therefore, we cut what is on the surface but dissolve the roots under the service. Then we clear all the energy, so it is completely new ground and new energy.

Lindsey Kimura

With 14+ years experience in business development, marketing, brand management, event production, operations and strategic partnerships, I partner with entrepreneurs and creatives to start and grow businesses from the foundation up. My approach is holistic with a specialty in creating and implementing custom plans for growth. Connecting people, brands and community lights me up!


the moment you decided, you were prepared


make the mind switch