empaths clear energy

Empaths Clear Energy

  1. Empaths are illustrated lessons showing humanity many things. 

    1. They integrate their lessons first

    2. Then they teach/show humanity how to implement these very important lessons

  2. Empaths heal the ancestral patterns in their lineage

  3. Empaths shift, clear and heal energy patterns for any individual, community, or global situation that you are called to and is open to your spirit work.

Today let’s talk about how Empaths clear energy. We are going to focus on ways to Prevent and Avoid Anxiety, Uncertainty and Chaos.

  1. Call in Guides, Ancient Ancestors, Celestial Beings of Light, Archangels, etc.

  2. Be Intentional. Set an Intention. This alone clears energy quickly. (i.e. Let’s Clear It”)

  3. Deactivate – Reduce Anxiety. Reduce Chaos. Reduce Uncertainty and Life Happening To You Without Your Consent

  4. Activate – Your Clear Choice. Clear Decision. Be Certain

  5. Ask Guides to Recalibrate you back to the Original Source Code and Current Light Codes that are available, attainable, appropriate, aligned and possible in all areas.

You are not responsible for the entire world, but you will be supported as you fulfill your mission assignments, your family’s patterns, your relationships, and anything that you are called to help heal.

So, we clear energy in a profound way by just being intentional. But as empaths, our type of intentional means having iron-grip control. We are working towards being turbo-warriors when it comes to saying what we mean and meaning what we say.

We can recode anything and shift it into a higher vibrational set point. However, part of our work is to manage how the quantum field impacts our lives. If we aren’t intentional, we will be jumping from timeline to timeline because we are inconsistent. It’s important to be consistent and speak our truth with absolute knowing. 

Absolute Knowing

Clear Intention


Lean Into The Energy

Activate and Recalibrate

Rinse and Repeat. Let this be your mantra.

Lindsey Kimura

With 14+ years experience in business development, marketing, brand management, event production, operations and strategic partnerships, I partner with entrepreneurs and creatives to start and grow businesses from the foundation up. My approach is holistic with a specialty in creating and implementing custom plans for growth. Connecting people, brands and community lights me up!


ideas about energy clearing


reclaim who you are and remember