ideas about energy clearing

There are two components of energy clearing that are very important to remember…Mental Space and Physical Movements.

Mental Space includes your mindset at the time you are going to clear energy. Depending on the head space you are in, you may or may not need to make a mind switch before you even clear any energy. When clearing energy, be intentional, be assertive and be consistent in your thoughts and words. For example, you might say “I’m going to clear this”; “I’m full supported by the Divine”; “I am Sovereign, and the Universe has by back”; or “In love and light, I am releasing what no longer serves me now”. 

Physical Movements are the things you will do to clear the energy. They include 

  • Calling in your Divine Team of Angels, Ancestors, Guides, etc.

  • Prayer or Meditation

  • Declaring Your Intention

  • Deactivating Negative Energy Paradigms

  • Shifting Energy Practices (may include crystals, incense, sage, rattles, drums, singing bowls, dancing, singing, chanting, or anything that is speaking to you at the moment. 

Years ago, I literally swept my whole house, opened the front door and yelled “Everything Evil, Get Out!” I took the broom and swept the last little bit of dust out the front door and said “It’s Done”.  Find your own flow.

Keep Clearing the energy until you feel a shift. Like with dirty white socks, you will keep soaking them and washing them until all of the dirt is out. Don’t give up. If you still feel the lingering heaviness, you still have clearing to do. You will feel when the heavy energy is completely gone. Don’t let even a little heaviness linger. Clear it until it’s gone!

Lindsey Kimura

With 14+ years experience in business development, marketing, brand management, event production, operations and strategic partnerships, I partner with entrepreneurs and creatives to start and grow businesses from the foundation up. My approach is holistic with a specialty in creating and implementing custom plans for growth. Connecting people, brands and community lights me up!

let gratitude dominate


empaths clear energy