empaths go deeper

Being an empath is so dynamic because there are multiple things occurring at once:

  1. You, empath, are downloading directly from God and the Universe, as well as your ancestors, angels and everyone (Your team).

  2. Every empath’s team is different, that is why we have slightly different takes and perceptions on the same information. We download according to our nature, our mission assignments, our lineage and the spiritual guidance we work with.

  3. In addition, there is the one-dimensional experience. There is the surface level experience. There is the higher dimensional experience. There is the human perspective. The spiritual perspective. The universal consciousness perspective, etc. into the infinite. The quantum field is dynamic and infinite…so it could go on and on.

  4. Then, there is the empath as the conduit, mirror, and living illustration that the Divine is using to illustrate Cosmic Wisdom. So, at any given point, you could be downloading for you…or you could be downloading for the collective. You could be integrating for you, or you might be integrating for the collective.

  5. For this reason, what is happening on this 3D plain, may be experienced very differently by you, the Empath…simply because you are dialed into a variety of vibrations, frequencies, constructs, etc. 

  6. So, it is in our best interest to defer to Spirit, rather than get caught up in what we see or hear on the surface. Always go back to base to get clarity about what is truly happening in your world and around you. One person’s experience or interpretation may be very different from what you experience and integrate. 

  7. We go deeper and our answers are deeper than what the lower mind perceives and retrieves. The lower consciousness is not going to get this or comprehend it on the level that we do. 

So, we go deeper because we have been dialed into deeper wisdom most of our lives. Our pain and suffering from the past, along with our energetic and emotional sensitivity, created a training ground. It may have been brutal at times, but it prepared us for who we are now and our mission assignments. We had to toughen up and we had to learn to hold the polarities of peace and chaos in the same container. So, what was healed within could be healed without. Our clear channel and pure dial allow us to see clearly so we can continue to offer humanity options that serve the highest light.

Lindsey Kimura

With 14+ years experience in business development, marketing, brand management, event production, operations and strategic partnerships, I partner with entrepreneurs and creatives to start and grow businesses from the foundation up. My approach is holistic with a specialty in creating and implementing custom plans for growth. Connecting people, brands and community lights me up!


the divine will teach you


thank you dear heart