thank you dear heart

This message is for anyone who is a kind and generous soul. Thank you, dear amazing person! Thank you for being considerate. Thank you for being mature. Thank you for sharing. Thank you for inspiring others. Thank you for all of the ways that you show up. Thank you for the times that you have given even when your energy wasn’t matched or reciprocated. Thank you for being strong in the face of adversity. Thank you for maintaining a healthy mindset. Thank you for overcoming bitterness, unforgiveness and all forms of negativity. Thank you for being an example of what it means to be a healthy human. 

Remember all of the times that you gave more than you received back? These things mattered. All of these unselfish…selfless acts of kindness and love matter. The ways that you bent over backwards at times to help others…. even when it wasn’t truly recognized or appreciated…well, that mattered. You have learned some lessons along the way. You may have learned to not over give. You may have learned that the takers and users of the world think very differently about the same topics. You may have burned, bruised, taken for granted. All of this taught you important lessons about humanity. Yet, here you are…still kind. Still loving. Still mature. Still sharing. Wow…what an amazing human you are! What an impeccable soul you have. You are so very important to the elevated collective consciousness. It’s not required that you be anyone’s doormat. You don’t need to be anyone’s emotional punching bag. You are not here for that. So, let’s clear that energy…release and let that go. But you are here to become the best version of yourself that is possible…and your loving giving nature elevates you to a space that is worthy of acknowledgement and appreciation. 

For those of you who give from the heart without selfish motives; For those who love fiercely and are generous with your time, energy and life force. You may not always be seen. You may not always be valued. You may not always be acknowledged, but you do matter. You are so very important. Again, this may not resonate with everyone. You may not have always been validated and appreciated, but still your efforts and loving heart matter so very much. Thank you for being an incredible human. Thank you for your life force. Blessings and Peace to you always. 

Lindsey Kimura

With 14+ years experience in business development, marketing, brand management, event production, operations and strategic partnerships, I partner with entrepreneurs and creatives to start and grow businesses from the foundation up. My approach is holistic with a specialty in creating and implementing custom plans for growth. Connecting people, brands and community lights me up!

empaths go deeper


remember who you are