Energy Flows

Energy Flows

  • With the ebb and flows of life, there is a divine flow. If you remain anchored in this flow, you’ll sustain chaotic energies

  • People will come and go. Energy will shift (subtly and overtly; calmly and aggressively)

  • Remain grounded. Align with the right people, business partnerships, investments, vibrations, and all will be well even when shift is happening

  • Remain in the sanctuary of the heart. Maintain pure heart structure

  • Develop that strong connection with your guardians, guides, teachers, ancestors and angels who love you unconditionally

  • Stay focused on the divine light emanating from within your soul structure.

Release The Old Energy

“Spirit, Angels, Divine Higher Beings, we (I) need your assistance now. Please join us (me) in this circle and assist us in healing. We (I) release old, stale, tired energy. We (I) release all energy that is chaotic, heavy and burdensome now. Remove all situations that keep us stuck in any way. We (I) give you permission to escort these things out of our (my) lives (life) to dimensions far, far, far, far away from us (me). Spirit let’s clear it. And it is done. Amen/Ase

Lindsey Kimura

With 14+ years experience in business development, marketing, brand management, event production, operations and strategic partnerships, I partner with entrepreneurs and creatives to start and grow businesses from the foundation up. My approach is holistic with a specialty in creating and implementing custom plans for growth. Connecting people, brands and community lights me up!

Empath Play


Physical Recalibration and Body Alignment