the empath bridge

The Empath is a bridge between:

  • Empirical and Phenomenological

  • Spiritual and Scientific

  • Energetic and Emotional 

You are a universal bridge between this earth plane and the universe. You bridge the gap between humans who have no spiritual awareness and the universe. Your empathy, code abilities, alchemy and all of your divine gifts pave the way. 

Like Moses with the parting of the Red Sea, we lead humans who are our assignments to the place where transformation can take place. The Divine does the work, works the magic and creates the miracles. We empaths lead the way into this victory. Often times, this is a soft, subtle and quiet journey, where you are the tour guide. Only the person whose life has been healed knows the power that took place.

As a part of the Cosmic Super Puzzle, empaths are often the missing puzzle piece in a world of chaos. Our empathic nature and dial illuminates situations. Empaths are live illustrated lessons for humanity to observe and integrate information (whether humans realize this happening or not; it may be integrated at the subconscious level as they interact with you). 

Empaths add valuable insight and provide clarity about what goes beyond the surface, because it’s your nature to see what is hidden. Empaths are keys that unlock doors of information and create access to collective encoding that is embedded in human consciousness. Many codes have been rewired and altered by nefarious agendas in order to keep humans from existing in their highest light and potential. 

Empaths bridge the gap between the seen and the unseen…revealing what is often hidden in plain sight. Many of you have been activated in this way…and the Great Revealing is occurring for such a time as this.

Lindsey Kimura

With 14+ years experience in business development, marketing, brand management, event production, operations and strategic partnerships, I partner with entrepreneurs and creatives to start and grow businesses from the foundation up. My approach is holistic with a specialty in creating and implementing custom plans for growth. Connecting people, brands and community lights me up!

regulate yourself


the difference between obstacles and haters