new beginnings: journey of the heart

GREETINGS 2022. May this be your year to align to the Divine and shine. May you align fully to that which is Divine, knowing everything is fine. And by the Power of The All of Creation, Divine Benevolence, may you align, shine and embody your Divine. Embody your Divine nature, Divine Truth, and Divine Ministry or Service Work.

We are beginning this year by looking at the Empath Experience as a Journey of the Heart. By dropping from head into heart and accessing the inner sanctuary of the heart within your soul temple, your empath experience changes. The first lessons are about recognizing who you are, knowing who you are and protecting your energy so you can show up in the world. 

These current lessons are a next level into the consciousness of an empath where its obvious that perspective and power are more grounded. The Journey of the heart is where you offer your service in the highest light because you are embodying the light continually.

  1. This new level of journey becomes a daily routine of Integrate, Activate, Emanate and Amplify.

  2. Some spiritual and non-spiritual philosophies discuss Creativity as something born of Chaos. If this is true, imagine how innovative, inventive and inspired you may be after a difficult experience. Don’t waste the energy or the emotion. Recognize that you may be birth some power creative experiences during chaos. Channel the energy in such a way that it serves a purpose. Finesse your own energy so you remain in control without losing perspective. 

  3. Use every experience and emotion as fuel to propel you on your journey deeper into heart space living. 

  4. As the alchemist you can change the energy of situations. Use your intention, pure heart structure with command codes and mission assignments given from Base. This is going to allow you to Vortex the energy and alchemize the situation.

  5. You are going to need a spiritual container to do this. That container is your pure heart structure with your pure intentions with your activated command codes and your mission assignments retrieved from Base headquarters. Be clear. Understand the assignments so you become a clear safe and pure container.

  6. Once your sacred container is ready, Use the emotions, energy and intensity as your base ingredients. Add the attitude of positive expectation. That comes from the vibrations of excitement, bliss and gratitude.

  7. Vortex the energy. Mix it up. Prepare for something evolutionary to occur. You have done the work. You are prepared. It could even be revolutionary. 

  8. Now, as we are journeying through the heart many mystical and magical things will begin to be your regular experience. This is conscious creation manifestation. However, occasionally, some energy will get past the guards that seems like it doesn’t fit. It may feel like it came out of nowhere. You may wonder “how did this get here?” The old you…as an empath initiate, may have spiraled down at this point. But not you. You are an evolving empath who knows your worth. You recognize that with new levels, there are sometimes new devils. You are not going to throw all of your work and intention out the window because some energy showed up that doesn’t fit. The journey of the heart is a mature path. Rather than get down about this strange energy, you are simply going to ask the Divine for the Higher Integration. “What is this teaching me?” Then you are going to calibrate your emotional experience to the vibration of this higher lesson. Then get back on the path and keep it moving. Simple. No mor drama. No more spirals down. No more meltdowns. No more dysregulation. No more feeling like you missed the mark. Return to base. Recalibrate. 

Blessings until next time.

Lindsey Kimura

With 14+ years experience in business development, marketing, brand management, event production, operations and strategic partnerships, I partner with entrepreneurs and creatives to start and grow businesses from the foundation up. My approach is holistic with a specialty in creating and implementing custom plans for growth. Connecting people, brands and community lights me up!

make the mind switch


2022 equals new you