relationship detoxing

Unhealthy relationships wreak havoc on multiple areas of your life. You most likely will need to reprogram your brain, calm your nervous system and re-learn how to set boundaries so that future relationships remain healthy and balanced. 

There are a lot of different types of dysfunctional relationships from family and friends,  romantic partnerships or work relationships, business partnerships, neighbors, religious leaders, and other individuals in the community. 

Seven Types of Relationships That Require Relationship Detoxing.  

  1. The Emotionally Unavailable Person/Partner – 

  2. The Inconsistent Person/Partner

  3. The Self-Absorbed Person/Partner

  4. The Boundary Crosser 

  5. The Liar

  6. The Narcissist 

  7. The Abuser

These people are NOT for you. They need healing and are not ready for a relationship with others. If you accept what they give are able or willing to give, the relationship will most likely be unfulfilling and dissatisfying. All of these types of relationships create stress on the nervous system. These types of individuals are not healthy enough to be in a relationship. 

They generally feel ok about their behavior because this is normal to them. This inability to see your side of things or make changes leaves you frustrated. All of this activates the Amygdala and may catapult you in fight, flight, freeze, fawn or faint responses on a regular basis. Overtime, this will undermine self-confidence, ability to enjoy pleasurable things and it will diminish your quality of life.  The good news is you can heal. It will require positive changes and strong boundaries. You can do this and there is a lot of help available to assist you. 

Lindsey Kimura

With 14+ years experience in business development, marketing, brand management, event production, operations and strategic partnerships, I partner with entrepreneurs and creatives to start and grow businesses from the foundation up. My approach is holistic with a specialty in creating and implementing custom plans for growth. Connecting people, brands and community lights me up!

empath Q&A June 2022


this present moment